Matthew’s Greatest Hits: Volume 2 - Three words.
Matthew 28:16-20. Jesus asks disciples who doubt to go and make disciples. How do you invite someone to be part of the discipleship process? We’ll look at how John the Baptist and Jesus did this (John 1) with a story, a question, and an invite.
Matthew’s Greatest Hits: Volume 2 (welcome)
Matthew 28:16-20. Jesus asks disciples who doubt to go and make disciples. At McKendree UMC, we emphasize connections. So many people are hungering for relationships and wondering if they are welcome.
Matthew’s Greatest Hits: Volume 2 (the kitchen)
Matthew 28:16-20. Jesus asks disciples who doubt to go and make disciples. At McKendree UMC we do this with an inviting “front porch” and a kitchen full of action
Matthew’s Greatest Hits: Volume 2 (and 3, 4, 5…)
Matthew 28:16-20. Jesus asks disciples who doubt to go and make disciples. Let’s be sure we do this in a way that isn’t weird.
Matthew’s Greatest Hits: The Greatest Commandment (Part 2)
Matthew 22:34-40 Loving the neighbor seems easy…until it gets hard.
Matthew’s Greatest Hits: The Greatest Commandment
Matthew 22:34-40 What is the Greatest Commandment? Turns out God is most interested in a relationship of love. Seeing the law as a list of rules only gets in the way of the relationship God desires.
Easter People, raise your voices!
Matthew 28:1-10 Jesus could have started the Easter people by showing up for all Jerusalem to see. Instead, he sends them away to Galilee, where they spread the resurrection news through telling of their own encounters.