Games People Play: Jenga
Jesus concludes his sermon on the mount with a warning about judging others. When you find yourself labeling or judging, you should ask whether this is a warning about your condition. He ends his sermon by stating that we must listen to him and put his words into action. Anything else is like building a house in sinking sand.
Games People Play: Battleship
Blessed are the meek...but does that mean doing nothing when someone is being hurt? Jesus has a better way in mind when he instructs us to turn the cheek and walk a second mile.
Games People Play: Twister
Matthew's gospel emphasizes Jesus as the fulfillment of Torah. The first "book" opens with blessings for the humble, meek, and poor in spirit. It's all about relationships with God, others, and ourselves. Right relationships is the foundation of a blessed life.
Games People Play: Sorry Not Sorry
When John baptizes at the Jordan River, he calls those who show up to repent, change their hearts (intentions). God wants more than sorry.
When John baptizes at the Jordan River, he calls those who show up to repent, change their hearts (intentions). God wants more than sorry.
Games People Play: Introduction
As we begin the New Year in the Gospel of Matthew, we look at what makes this gospel unique (as well as the game Herod plays).
As we begin the New Year in the Gospel of Matthew, we look at what makes this gospel unique (as well as the game Herod plays).