Worship with us & celebrate our final SUMMER OF FUN Sunday!!!
9:30 PRAISE & WORSHIP // Music led by the Praise Team
11am TRADITIONAL WORSHIP // Music led by the Chancel Choir
ONLINE WORSHIP // Live streamed at 9:30am on the McKendree UMC YouTube channel.
*Childcare is provided for children ages 5 and under, all other ages will join their parents in the service where we have activity and color pages available!
Let’s celebrate the end of summer together! Join us after both services in the parking lot for bubbles of all kinds! Bubble blowing, bubble gum, bubbly drinks and jumpies for the kids!
WORSHIP UPDATE as of 8/2/21:
WORSHIP UPDATE: Due to the climbing COVID transmission rates in Gwinnett County we are reluctantly returning to a mask requirement for all persons 6 years old and up within our facilities for the foreseeable future. Parents of children 5 and under should make a decision based on individual needs and abilities. We will continue to monitor the status and keep you apprised as updates are available. View CDC updates here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html.