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Wednesday Night Supper
There’s room at the table for you! No reservation required.
Enjoy a home style dinner at a reasonable price ($6 adults, $3 kids), with your first meal on us.
Menu: Sloppy Joes, Pasta Salad or Chips, Fruit, Dessert
Stay for ministries for all ages:
5:00-6:00 Dinner
5:30-6:15 Youth Handbells (6th-12th Grade)
5:45-6:30 Kids Choir (3yr-5th Grade)
6:30-7:00 Kids Chimes (2nd-5th Grade)
6:30-7:00 Bible Stories with Mr Chris
6:00-8:00 Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)
6:30-7:30pm Raise ‘Em Up Parent Survival Group
6:30-7:30 Pastor Bible Study
7:00-8:00 Klub Serve (K-2nd Grade)
7:00-8:00 Spark! (3rd-5th Grade)