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9:30am Praise and Worship: Sunday at 9:30am in the Sanctuary led by the McKendree Praise Team. Opportunities for Children at 9:30am:
Birth thru Kindergarten, Room N119
1st - 5th graders will remain in the Sanctuary with their parents as they learn how to worship. Worship Activity Bags are available.
11am Traditional Worship: Sundays at 11am in the Sanctuary with music led by Director of Music, Nada Long, and the chancel choir. Opportunities for Children at 11am:
Room 119 - Birth - 2years
Room 211 - 3 & 4 year olds
Room 317 - K-2nd grade
Room 307 - 3rd-5th grade
ONLINE: Live-stream of the 9:30 service lead by the McKendree Praise Band. The weekly service and all previous services are available on the McKendree UMC YouTube channel.
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